JPA Connect
There is a very active and supportive Parents’ Association in existence. Because a high percentage of parents have children in both schools, it was felt more practical to have one Parents’ Association representing the joint interests rather than having two independent groups serving the same purpose.
P.A. meets on a monthly basis and these meetings are attended by a teacher representative. Regular meetings take place between officers of P.A. and both Principals to seek advice and identify needs.
The AGM is held in September. It is open forum whereby parents are free to raise concerns and Principal responds.
The JPA is actively involved in fundraising and running events for Parents, e.g. talks on Bullying, Homework, Wellbeing along with sponsoring Arts Week, Ice Cream Day amongst other fun and exciting ventures
J.P.A. also host an annual Communion Breakfast and Confirmation Breakfast.
Sign up for Info
To stay informed about events, uniform swaps, announcements from the school and fundraisers, please complete the form below:
Johnstown Parents’ Association form
JPA Connect Uniform Swap
Johnstown Parents Association have a Uniform Swap facility