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Wellbeing and the Amber Flag

Amber Flag Committee

Wellbeing is one of our working groups which has helped us embed practices such as Monday meditations, star affirmations and also our annual Health and Wellbeing Week. This year we had a major focus on this area, as we embarked on the Wellbeing Framework and commenced work on our Amber Flag. This flag aims to encourage schools to promote and actively bring about a cultural change in the promotion of positive mental health within the educational system. Work completed will enhance the good work already being carried out and acknowledge our efforts. Members of our staff and pupils from the school are on this committee. They are tasked with deciding on exciting events and initiatives for the school that remind us and provide us with activities and strategies to help us to look after our minds. We must look after our minds like we look after our bodies. Wellbeing Wednesdays were introduced this year. Every class took part in an activity organised by the Amber Flag Committee. In October we had the “Hot Choc Check-in”, in February we held our “Bright Colours Day”, In May we “Walked a Few Miles with a Smile”. 


Other activities were :-

A Senses Walk, Christmas Jumper and Movie Day along with mindful music and meditation.  Classes will continue with our “Monday Meditations” and “Wellbeing Wednesday” will form part of our framework going forward.


We were awarded the Amber Flag in May – a very proud moment for us!  We will continue our work in this area and renew the flag on an annual basis.


Health and Wellbeing Week

Health and Wellbeing Week is an annual event dedicated to Mindful Practices carried out in classes throughout the year. Meditation, active movement, yoga and calming strategies are practised daily.


Weaving Wellbeing Programme

Weaving Wellbeing was implemented in all classes from Junior Infants to 6th.  Weaving Wellbeing is an Irish designed positive mental health programme which aims to enhance wellbeing in children.  It is underpinned by the concept that a state of wellbeing is not simply the absence of the negative, but the presence of the positive.



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